Why Choose Zeta?

"I chose Zeta Tau Alpha because of the philanthropy and service opportunities! Participating in our sisterhood and social events have allowed me to create strong relationships with my Zeta sisters! Overall, I have built leadership skills through being an officer and have made countless memories that I will forever remember." - Hanna PC 23

“I chose ZTA for the fun, loving people that made me feel welcomed in the UMSL community. It was scary going into a new school my junior year, but they made it an easy transition and I’ve made connections outside of UMSL with other ZTA sisters!” - Emily PC 23

"I chose Zeta because I had struggled to find my place in college for my first 3 years. Putting myself out there for formal recruitment introduced me to some of the most amazing women and my lifelong friends. I chose Zeta because I felt the love and acceptance from my first time at an event. Choosing Zeta was the best and most important decision of my college career." - Shayleigh PC 23

"I chose ZTA because it was a great place to meet people! I've met some of the best people in Zeta!" - Brooklyn PC 23

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